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Recast Navigation
Navigation-mesh Toolset for Games
CBoundsItem | |
CBuildContext | Recast build context |
CBuildSettings | |
CBVItem | |
CConvexVolume | |
CConvexVolumeTool | |
CCrowdTool | |
CCrowdToolParams | |
CCrowdToolState | |
CDebugDrawGL | OpenGL debug draw implementation |
CDirtyEntry | |
CdtBVNode | Bounding volume node |
CdtCollectPolysQuery | |
CdtCompressedTile | |
CdtCrowd | Provides local steering behaviors for a group of agents |
CdtCrowdAgent | Represents an agent managed by a dtCrowd object |
CdtCrowdAgentAnimation | |
CdtCrowdAgentDebugInfo | |
CdtCrowdAgentParams | Configuration parameters for a crowd agent |
CdtCrowdNeighbour | Provides neighbor data for agents managed by the crowd |
CdtFindNearestPolyQuery | |
CdtFixedArray | |
CdtLayerMonotoneRegion | |
CdtLayerSweepSpan | |
CdtLink | Defines a link between polygons |
CdtLocalBoundary | |
CdtMeshHeader | Provides high level information related to a dtMeshTile object |
CdtMeshTile | Defines a navigation mesh tile |
CdtNavMesh | A navigation mesh based on tiles of convex polygons |
CdtNavMeshCreateParams | Represents the source data used to build an navigation mesh tile |
CdtNavMeshParams | Configuration parameters used to define multi-tile navigation meshes |
CdtNavMeshQuery | Provides the ability to perform pathfinding related queries against a navigation mesh |
CdtNode | |
CdtNodePool | |
CdtNodeQueue | |
CdtObstacleAvoidanceDebugData | |
CdtObstacleAvoidanceParams | |
CdtObstacleAvoidanceQuery | |
CdtObstacleBox | |
CdtObstacleCircle | |
CdtObstacleCylinder | |
CdtObstacleOrientedBox | |
CdtObstacleSegment | |
CdtOffMeshConnection | Defines an navigation mesh off-mesh connection within a dtMeshTile object |
CdtPathCorridor | Represents a dynamic polygon corridor used to plan agent movement |
CdtPathQueue | |
CdtPoly | Defines a polygon within a dtMeshTile object |
CdtPolyDetail | Defines the location of detail sub-mesh data within a dtMeshTile |
CdtPolyQuery | Provides custom polygon query behavior |
CdtPolyState | |
CdtProximityGrid | |
CdtQueryFilter | Defines polygon filtering and traversal costs for navigation mesh query operations |
CdtRaycastHit | Provides information about raycast hit filled by dtNavMeshQuery::raycast |
CdtSegInterval | |
CdtTempContour | |
CdtTileCache | |
CdtTileCacheAlloc | |
CdtTileCacheCompressor | |
CdtTileCacheContour | |
CdtTileCacheContourSet | |
CdtTileCacheLayer | |
CdtTileCacheLayerHeader | |
CdtTileCacheMeshProcess | |
CdtTileCacheObstacle | |
CdtTileCacheParams | |
CdtTileCachePolyMesh | |
CdtTileState | |
CduDebugDraw | Abstract debug draw interface |
CduDisplayList | |
CduFileIO | |
CFastLZCompressor | |
CFileIO | Stdio file implementation |
CGLCheckerTexture | |
CGraphParams | |
CGuiState | |
CimguiGfxCmd | |
CimguiGfxLine | |
CimguiGfxRect | |
CimguiGfxText | |
CInputGeom | |
CLinearAllocator | |
CMeshProcess | |
CNavmeshFlags | |
CNavMeshPruneTool | |
CNavMeshSetHeader | |
CNavMeshTesterTool | |
CNavMeshTileBuildContext | |
CNavMeshTileHeader | |
CNavMeshTileTool | |
COffMeshConnectionTool | |
CRasterizationContext | |
CrcChunkyTriMesh | |
CrcChunkyTriMeshNode | |
CrcCompactCell | Provides information on the content of a cell column in a compact heightfield |
CrcCompactHeightfield | A compact, static heightfield representing unobstructed space |
CrcCompactSpan | Represents a span of unobstructed space within a compact heightfield |
CrcConfig | Specifies a configuration to use when performing Recast builds |
CrcContext | Provides an interface for optional logging and performance tracking of the Recast build process |
CrcContour | Represents a simple, non-overlapping contour in field space |
CrcContourHole | |
CrcContourRegion | |
CrcContourSet | Represents a group of related contours |
CrcEdge | |
CrcHeightfield | A dynamic heightfield representing obstructed space |
CrcHeightfieldLayer | Represents a heightfield layer within a layer set |
CrcHeightfieldLayerSet | Represents a set of heightfield layers |
CrcHeightPatch | |
CrcLayerRegion | |
CrcLayerSweepSpan | |
CrcMeshLoaderObj | |
CrcNewTag | An implementation of operator new usable for placement new |
CrcPermVector | |
CrcPolyMesh | Represents a polygon mesh suitable for use in building a navigation mesh |
CrcPolyMeshDetail | Contains triangle meshes that represent detailed height data associated with the polygons in its associated polygon mesh object |
CrcPotentialDiagonal | |
CrcRegion | |
CrcScopedDelete | A simple helper class used to delete an array when it goes out of scope |
CrcScopedTimer | A helper to first start a timer and then stop it when this helper goes out of scope |
CrcSpan | Represents a span in a heightfield |
CrcSpanPool | A memory pool used for quick allocation of spans within a heightfield |
CrcSweepSpan | |
CrcTempVector | |
CrcVectorBase | Variable-sized storage type |
CSample | |
CSample_Debug | Sample used for random debugging |
CSample_SoloMesh | |
CSample_TempObstacles | |
CSample_TileMesh | |
CSampleDebugDraw | |
CSampleItem | |
CSampleTool | |
CSampleToolState | |
CTempObstacleCreateTool | |
CTempObstacleHilightTool | |
CTestCase | |
CTileCacheData | |
CTileCacheSetHeader | |
CTileCacheTileHeader | |
CValueHistory |