Recast Navigation
Navigation-mesh Toolset for Games
No Matches
dtCrowdAgent Struct Reference

Represents an agent managed by a dtCrowd object. More...

#include <DetourCrowd.h>

Public Attributes

bool active
 True if the agent is active, false if the agent is in an unused slot in the agent pool.
unsigned char state
 The type of mesh polygon the agent is traversing. (See: CrowdAgentState)
bool partial
 True if the agent has valid path (targetState == DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_VALID) and the path does not lead to the requested position, else false.
dtPathCorridor corridor
 The path corridor the agent is using.
dtLocalBoundary boundary
 The local boundary data for the agent.
float topologyOptTime
 Time since the agent's path corridor was optimized.
 The known neighbors of the agent.
int nneis
 The number of neighbors.
float desiredSpeed
 The desired speed.
float npos [3]
 The current agent position. [(x, y, z)].
float disp [3]
 A temporary value used to accumulate agent displacement during iterative collision resolution. [(x, y, z)].
float dvel [3]
 The desired velocity of the agent. Based on the current path, calculated from scratch each frame. [(x, y, z)].
float nvel [3]
 The desired velocity adjusted by obstacle avoidance, calculated from scratch each frame. [(x, y, z)].
float vel [3]
 The actual velocity of the agent. The change from nvel -> vel is constrained by max acceleration. [(x, y, z)].
dtCrowdAgentParams params
 The agent's configuration parameters.
float cornerVerts [DT_CROWDAGENT_MAX_CORNERS *3]
 The local path corridor corners for the agent. (Staight path.) [(x, y, z) * ncorners].
unsigned char cornerFlags [DT_CROWDAGENT_MAX_CORNERS]
 The local path corridor corner flags. (See: dtStraightPathFlags) [(flags) * ncorners].
 The reference id of the polygon being entered at the corner. [(polyRef) * ncorners].
int ncorners
 The number of corners.
unsigned char targetState
 State of the movement request.
dtPolyRef targetRef
 Target polyref of the movement request.
float targetPos [3]
 Target position of the movement request (or velocity in case of DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_VELOCITY).
dtPathQueueRef targetPathqRef
 Path finder ref.
bool targetReplan
 Flag indicating that the current path is being replanned.
float targetReplanTime


Represents an agent managed by a dtCrowd object.

Member Data Documentation

◆ active

bool dtCrowdAgent::active

True if the agent is active, false if the agent is in an unused slot in the agent pool.

◆ boundary

dtLocalBoundary dtCrowdAgent::boundary

The local boundary data for the agent.

◆ cornerFlags

unsigned char dtCrowdAgent::cornerFlags[DT_CROWDAGENT_MAX_CORNERS]

The local path corridor corner flags. (See: dtStraightPathFlags) [(flags) * ncorners].

◆ cornerPolys

dtPolyRef dtCrowdAgent::cornerPolys[DT_CROWDAGENT_MAX_CORNERS]

The reference id of the polygon being entered at the corner. [(polyRef) * ncorners].

◆ cornerVerts

float dtCrowdAgent::cornerVerts[DT_CROWDAGENT_MAX_CORNERS *3]

The local path corridor corners for the agent. (Staight path.) [(x, y, z) * ncorners].

◆ corridor

dtPathCorridor dtCrowdAgent::corridor

The path corridor the agent is using.

◆ desiredSpeed

float dtCrowdAgent::desiredSpeed

The desired speed.

◆ disp

float dtCrowdAgent::disp[3]

A temporary value used to accumulate agent displacement during iterative collision resolution. [(x, y, z)].

◆ dvel

float dtCrowdAgent::dvel[3]

The desired velocity of the agent. Based on the current path, calculated from scratch each frame. [(x, y, z)].

◆ ncorners

int dtCrowdAgent::ncorners

The number of corners.

◆ neis

The known neighbors of the agent.

◆ nneis

int dtCrowdAgent::nneis

The number of neighbors.

◆ npos

float dtCrowdAgent::npos[3]

The current agent position. [(x, y, z)].

◆ nvel

float dtCrowdAgent::nvel[3]

The desired velocity adjusted by obstacle avoidance, calculated from scratch each frame. [(x, y, z)].

◆ params

dtCrowdAgentParams dtCrowdAgent::params

The agent's configuration parameters.

◆ partial

bool dtCrowdAgent::partial

True if the agent has valid path (targetState == DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_VALID) and the path does not lead to the requested position, else false.

◆ state

unsigned char dtCrowdAgent::state

The type of mesh polygon the agent is traversing. (See: CrowdAgentState)

◆ targetPathqRef

dtPathQueueRef dtCrowdAgent::targetPathqRef

Path finder ref.

◆ targetPos

float dtCrowdAgent::targetPos[3]

Target position of the movement request (or velocity in case of DT_CROWDAGENT_TARGET_VELOCITY).

◆ targetRef

dtPolyRef dtCrowdAgent::targetRef

Target polyref of the movement request.

◆ targetReplan

bool dtCrowdAgent::targetReplan

Flag indicating that the current path is being replanned.

◆ targetReplanTime

float dtCrowdAgent::targetReplanTime

◆ targetState

unsigned char dtCrowdAgent::targetState

State of the movement request.

◆ topologyOptTime

float dtCrowdAgent::topologyOptTime

Time since the agent's path corridor was optimized.

◆ vel

float dtCrowdAgent::vel[3]

The actual velocity of the agent. The change from nvel -> vel is constrained by max acceleration. [(x, y, z)].

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: