float | rcSqrt (float x) |
| Returns the square root of the value.
rcHeightfield * | rcAllocHeightfield () |
| Allocates a heightfield object using the Recast allocator.
void | rcFreeHeightField (rcHeightfield *heightfield) |
| Frees the specified heightfield object using the Recast allocator.
rcCompactHeightfield * | rcAllocCompactHeightfield () |
| Allocates a compact heightfield object using the Recast allocator.
void | rcFreeCompactHeightfield (rcCompactHeightfield *compactHeightfield) |
| Frees the specified compact heightfield object using the Recast allocator.
rcHeightfieldLayerSet * | rcAllocHeightfieldLayerSet () |
| Allocates a heightfield layer set using the Recast allocator.
void | rcFreeHeightfieldLayerSet (rcHeightfieldLayerSet *layerSet) |
| Frees the specified heightfield layer set using the Recast allocator.
rcContourSet * | rcAllocContourSet () |
| Allocates a contour set object using the Recast allocator.
void | rcFreeContourSet (rcContourSet *contourSet) |
| Frees the specified contour set using the Recast allocator.
rcPolyMesh * | rcAllocPolyMesh () |
| Allocates a polygon mesh object using the Recast allocator.
void | rcFreePolyMesh (rcPolyMesh *polyMesh) |
| Frees the specified polygon mesh using the Recast allocator.
rcPolyMeshDetail * | rcAllocPolyMeshDetail () |
| Allocates a detail mesh object using the Recast allocator.
void | rcFreePolyMeshDetail (rcPolyMeshDetail *detailMesh) |
| Frees the specified detail mesh using the Recast allocator.
void | rcCalcBounds (const float *verts, int numVerts, float *minBounds, float *maxBounds) |
| Calculates the bounding box of an array of vertices.
void | rcCalcGridSize (const float *minBounds, const float *maxBounds, const float cellSize, int *sizeX, int *sizeZ) |
| Calculates the grid size based on the bounding box and grid cell size.
bool | rcCreateHeightfield (rcContext *context, rcHeightfield &heightfield, int sizeX, int sizeZ, const float *minBounds, const float *maxBounds, float cellSize, float cellHeight) |
| Initializes a new heightfield.
static void | calcTriNormal (const float *v0, const float *v1, const float *v2, float *faceNormal) |
void | rcMarkWalkableTriangles (rcContext *context, const float walkableSlopeAngle, const float *verts, const int numVerts, const int *tris, const int numTris, unsigned char *triAreaIDs) |
| Sets the area id of all triangles with a slope below the specified value to RC_WALKABLE_AREA.
void | rcClearUnwalkableTriangles (rcContext *context, const float walkableSlopeAngle, const float *verts, int numVerts, const int *tris, int numTris, unsigned char *triAreaIDs) |
| Sets the area id of all triangles with a slope greater than or equal to the specified value to RC_NULL_AREA.
int | rcGetHeightFieldSpanCount (rcContext *context, const rcHeightfield &heightfield) |
| Returns the number of spans contained in the specified heightfield.
bool | rcBuildCompactHeightfield (rcContext *context, const int walkableHeight, const int walkableClimb, const rcHeightfield &heightfield, rcCompactHeightfield &compactHeightfield) |
| Builds a compact heightfield representing open space, from a heightfield representing solid space.